Happy Earth Day 2013
At ARISE Hospitality Solutions, we believe in helping our clients go green and save the earth. Below are 12 helpful tips to go green at work.
Spend Smart on Green
The purchase and use of environmentally-friendly products can have a big
impact, and not just on the environment. Buying green affects
everything from worker safety to the bottom line.
- Products that are reusable, refillable, more durable or repairable
create less waste and are more cost-effective in the long run than
disposable or single-use products.
- Manufacturing recycled products uses less energy than goods made from
virgin materials. Buying recycled products keeps recycling programs
going and saves natural resources.
- Using energy-efficient and water-conserving products saves money and resources.
When making purchasing decisions, it pays to do a little homework. Consider the following:
- Is the product less hazardous?
- Is it reusable or more durable?
- Is it made from recycled materials? Do we really need to buy a virgin product when the recycled version is just as good?
- What happens to the product at the end of its life? Can it be
recycled? Will the manufacturer take the product back? Will it need
special disposal?
- Does it conserve energy or water?
- Is it made from renewable plant-based raw materials?
2) Leave a Big Mark-Not a Big Footprint
Living and working green means knowing your carbon footprint and taking steps to balance its impact. Offsetting your company
carbon footprint is the fastest and most economical way to help protect
critical forests worldwide, which is one of the most effective
solutions to climate change. One way to offset your carbon footprint is
to support renewable energy (energy generated from renewable sources
such as wind, solar and geothermal) by buying renewable energy credits
Additionally, utility companies may work with industrial and commercial
consumers to implement on-site energy-efficiency measures which can
decrease usage or shift a portion of it to off-peak hours and rates.

3) Be a Star-Buy Energy Star
The next time your office is in the market for computer equipment,
printers, fax machines, kitchen appliances or even light bulbs, look for
the Energy Star certification. Energy Star products are among the top
energy performers on the market. One example of why is that some Energy
Star products power down automatically when not in use-conserving up to
75% of electricity compared to standard models. They reduce pollution,
lower energy bills, generate less heat and have a longer life span than
other equipment. See www.energystar.gov for more information.
4) Get Energized
Of the $250 billion spent per year on powering computers worldwide, only
about 15% of that power is spent computing-the rest is wasted idling.
40% of the energy used for electronics is used while these devices are
turned off. Obviously, just because a device is turned off or not in
use, it doesn
't mean that it isn
't eating up electricity. In fact, even when a computer is switched off, the surge protector can still draw energy-up to 75%!
- Programming your computer to sleep after 30 minutes of non-use can cut power demand by up to 90%.
- Stepping away for longer than 30 minutes? Turn the computer off and
unplug the surge protector. (Booting up again uses the equivalent of
only two seconds of run time and won
't hurt the hard drive).
- Monitors are especially big energy drains. Be sure to turn them off after 20 minutes of non-use.
- Printers, scanners and peripherals that are only used occasionally should be unplugged until needed.
5) Get the Green Light
Making green choices when it comes to lighting not only provides energy
efficiency and savings, it also adds to the comfort, productivity and
ambience of your workplace.
- Replace regular incandescent bulbs and fixtures with Energy
Star-qualified compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). CFLs cast a warmer,
soft white glow. Although initially more expensive than regular bulbs,
they use between 60% and 80% less energy and last much longer (between
6,000 and 15,000 hours compared with about 1,000 hours with
- Use task lighting.
- Install dimmers and timers to extend bulb life.
- Don
't underestimate the power of natural daylight, it
's free, it
pleasant and has been proven to improve worker productivity and
customer satisfaction. Also, be sure that walls are painted in a light
color to enhance the advantage of that natural light.
- Lighting accounts for up to 50% of a building
energy consumption. By simply turning off unnecessary lights, you can
reduce the amount of energy used for lighting by up to 45%.
6) Use and Re-use
Reusing products delays or avoids altogether their entry into the waste
stream, so think refillable, rechargeable, not disposable, whenever
- Challenge your associates to think of ways to give new life to used
items, for instance, shredded waste paper makes great packing material.
- Set up an area to store and exchange reusable office supplies such as binders.
If you can
't reuse a product, there are
usually others who can. Go to www.kab.org (Keep America Beautiful) for
suggestions on exchange programs and other reuse strategies.
7) Clean Conscience Cleaning
Five billion pounds of chemicals are used annually for institutional
cleaning. The good news is that the risk of injury from chemicals and
environmental damage can be dramatically reduced by replacing the most
dangerous cleaning products with safer ones.
- Opt for solutions that are non-toxic, non-VOC (volatile organic
compound), water-based, biodegradable, phosphate-, chlorine- and
ammonia-free and those with ingredients derived from renewable
resources, not petroleum.
- Buy in concentrate and bulk so that shipping and packaging waste is reduced.
8) Breathe Easy
's what the air in any office setting can
potentially contain: ozone generated by photocopiers, dust, allergens,
outdoor fumes brought in by the central air conditioning; gaseous
chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from
furniture, paint and carpeting. And then there
the stuff dragged in on our shoes: oil, antifreeze, particulate
pollution, pollen, etc. All combine to create unsafe air quality and
contribute to Sick Building Syndrome. What can you do to clean up the
air in your workplace?

- Look for low VOC alternatives in carpets, adhesives, paints, even furniture.
- Help keep what
's on the sidewalk out with quality doormats or entryway track-off systems.
Remember, less dirt also means less sweeping, mopping and vacuuming, which means less work, water, energy and fewer chemicals.
9) Sitting Pretty
Making environmentally savvy choices in office furniture is getting
easier and easier. Whether a piece of furniture is made from wood,
cloth, metal or plastic, there are earth-friendly options.
- Opt for modular office suites. These component-based systems let you
reconfigure workspaces and mix and match as your needs change, helping
to eliminate the need to buy new.
- Use flexible interior features, such as movable walls to help reduce waste associated with renovations.

't overlook the fact that, even if it
's initially more expensive, buying quality furniture that
's durable and can be readily repaired could easily save money in the long run, plus, lessen the chance that it
'll end up in the landfill.
10) Paper 101
How do you choose paper that is good for the environment and meets your needs? Some things to keep in mind:
First things first, when looking to make an environmentally responsible paper purchase, you
looking for more than the recycled symbol.
Post-Consumer Waste Content (PCW): The single most important factor to
consider is the percentage of post-consumer waste content. Paper with
post-consumer content contains recycled fiber from paper which has
already been used by the consumer and then collected for recycling. The
higher the level of post-consumer content the better.
Today, more and more products are available with post-consumer recycled
content including: file pocket portfolios, hanging file folders, report
covers, various storage boxes, file holders, file covers and three-ring
binders. By using recycled post-consumer content paper, we save trees,
water and prevent the air and water pollution, soil erosion and
destruction of wildlife habitats associated with harvesting.
11) Digitize to Maximize
Did you know that one 2GB flash drive can store up to 20
yards of books? Storing data digitally frees up space, time and money.
It minimizes clutter and helps eliminate unnecessary paper waste. Plus,
transferring data digitally or transporting digital storage devices is
infinitely easier and less costly than transporting files, cabinets and
furniture, should your office be moving to a new locale.
12) Recycle. Recycle. Recycle.
You already know this, so it
's just a reminder
that everything from empty ink and toner cartridges (a single cartridge
thrown into landfill can take up to 450 years to decompose) to office
paper (115 billion sheets of paper are used annually for personal
computers) to plastic bottles (Americans use 3.3 million plastic bottles
every hour, but recycle only one in five) is RECYCLABLE. 79 million
tons: that
's the amount of waste material diverted away from disposal through recycling and composting in one year. Check out our recycling program at
Go Green.
Brought to you by
Love Your Space.